Customize the right menu

Hi There ,

Can you help me to customize the right menu for Rhino 8 , I’d like to divide it into two sections like the below exactly.

not as shown below .

  1. Just grab the layer tab (it’s on the far right) and drag it out into the window and let up on the mouse button to undock it and automatically make a new container.

  2. Then click and hold in the gray area (not on the name) of the now independent layer container and pull it back towards the bottom of the right hand column where you want to dock it - you should see some small blue boxes show up.

  3. Continue dragging (this is the tricky part) until the the cursor hits the bottom small blue box, a bigger blue box should show up and indicate where the panel will dock, let up on the mouse button, the container will dock and you’re done.

  4. Once you have that new lower container docked, you can add as many tabs (panels) to it as you want by clicking on the gearwheel icon and choosing “show panels”.

  5. Repeat the procedure with another tab if you want a 3rd docked container on the right hand side.

See screen capture here: R8:Seriously doesn't feel ready for release, especially to pro - #5 by mkarimi