"Crosshairs" setting missing from V8 Options>Appearance

Now can only access this from Options>Advanced. Deliberate or oversight?

Hi Mitch -

That used to be the case on macOS pre-8. When making things more similar between platforms in Rhino 8, this was moved to Modeling Aids -> SmartTrack and Guides - ref. RH-73277 Options: Crosshairs setting is moved to Modeling Aids > SmartTrack and Guides

It looks like 8.2 will have a link on the Appearance page…
RH-78181 Add Links to new Crosshairs Location

Ah, OK, didn’t realize (or remember) it had been moved and didn’t think to look there, thanks Wim.

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Yeah I rarely use smart track, and definitely sounds like a weird spot to put ‘crosshairs’ …

I guess a programmer thought it made sense from a nomenclature standpoint, or something …

:face_with_monocle: :thinking: :thought_balloon: I vaguely remember giving up trying to find this the other day :joy: