Creating a custom pdf using acrobat x pro as a printer in rhino

i want to create a pdf size of 180 inches x 24 inches. the printer won’t let me do it. it just stays as the same size i was replacing when i go add new size. i can go up to 120 inches x 24 inches but going bigger than that doesn’t work.

Acrobat is limited (I think) to 200" max and 10Gb file size.

However, it also depends on the installed printer PPDs that you have for Adobe Distiller.

If you don’t have the right PPD installed then Acrobat can’t do the job.

Go here for additional PPDs:

Failing that, just scale appropriately and let your print bureau know the scale factor. I have to do that all the time since most of my stuff is a minimum of 5 mtrs x 12 mtrs !!!

Hope that helps and welcome to the wonderful world of outputting large format PDFs



Thanks for the reply.

I’m talking about creating a page size not picking up or creating a pdf file, just adding a page size so that a pdf file can be made from that new page size.

I have cs 6 with everything so I think the acrobat x pro would be working right.

Making a new size in rhino I can go up to 120 inches in one direction, when I try to go 150 inches it doesn’t work. It will add the new size to the list but it just hangs onto a smaller size like letter size.

So open the printer in rhino using acrobat and go properties / add and see if you can make a new size that’s 150 or 200 inches in one direction. Make sure you check it to see if it really made it to the new size.

Please let me know and thanks for your help.



Well that’s interesting. I’ve never come across your problem before as I always scale up outside of Rhino since my stuff is so big.

I can replicate exactly the same behaviour as you and I’m on the latest version of Adobe Creative Suite.

All of the Creative Suite apps behave correctly with large page sizes, but Rhino doesn’t seem to like anything that big.

Looks like you’ll just have to do the same as I do and scale outside of Rhino.


thanks, that’s what i did.