Create custom angled joint for structural framing in Rhino Inside Revit

Using structural framing and to cut the beams to create the joint depicted bellow. Also tried if I can place planes to cut and create the joint. Can’t find the right component to do so, is there any way that this is a possibility?
Thank you very much in advance for all the help.

Hi Eesha Jain,

We’ll need a bit more info to be able to properly help. A small example file ideally.

Are you looking to trim these in Rhino or Revit?

Hi Japhy,
Thank you for your reply!
I understand, however I am unable to share the file with you. Here is an image with my best try at explaining the joint.

I am trying to make a completely parametric model inside of grasshopper on the rhino side using rhino inside revit - and then bake it into revit.

  • I have 2 curves - 1 and 2 depicted in red in Rhino
  • Each have a structural framing member extruded along them using the beam component - A and B in grasshopper that have a z justification of 0 (Top aligned)
  • I just need to cut the beams either using one another to create a clean joint. A second option would be to use 2 planes depicted in blue (P1 and P2) - where P1 can cut Beam A, and P2 can cut Beam B.

I apologize for not sharing a file, but would really appreciate your views on how I could go about making this work. Thank you!

The process you are illustrating will get better traction in the Grasshopper section of the forum. We can deal with the Rhino.Inside - Revit aspect once you get the definition to your liking.

Posting a simple file with what you currently have in Grasshopper along with the image above and noting with any other variables that are relevant will get you assistance quicker.