That feature that creates meshes only in the view frustum, I know it means well, but I would like disabling it even more. On larger drawings, it causes unexpected hangs during pans.
Even if such an option was only in the advanced settings, I would appreciate it.
For extra credit, a progress bar in the status bar would give some indication that something is going on would be helpful on large projects.
It becomes a problem in large files. If you send mouse and keyboard events to the GUI while Rhino is busy, it will irrecoverably lock Rhino up.
Also, if you were doing a presentation, you wouldn’t want the computer pausing as you are scooting around.
I feel bad that the progressive meshing feature seems like a good idea, but when the going gets slow, it becomes a reliability problem. I should think that some people would like it for small projects, so, an option would be nice–even if there is no UI for it, like an advanced setting.
At one time, I had sent McNeel, a copy of my diner project, because it has large textures, and well, the few-thousand leaves strewn about the driveway, don’t make Rhino more responsive. Actually, I should have put them triangles–instead of quads, but at least they aren’t blocks.