I bought a Mac M1 6 month ago, and I still have trouble with Rhino 7. For exemple, I’m working on a 300Mo file and it crash twice a day cuz of out of memory. When I’m looking the activity monitor in the memory tab, it always mention more than 40Go of memory. Is someone have the same problem ?
I turned on the layers and will keep it active through the morning.
I do see the apple OpenGL artifact issue going on with everything visible. They are working hard on that one so make sure to get the next couple weeks Release Candidates for improvements.
So my particulars… looks like i need an OS update.
Apple macOS Version 12.0.1 (Build 21A559) (Physical RAM: 16Gb)
Rhino is running in Rosetta2 on Apple Silicon
Mac Model Identifier: MacBookPro18,3
Language: en-US (MacOS default)
something which lets your computer talk to the graphics card. an ancient version of that, your computer runs now natively metal, which McNeel is working on so that you can work faster and more sufficient.
go to preferences/general you can set the update frequency to release candidate.
Hi again !
I’m sry, I spent fews days in holidays. I hope you successed to finish the boat ahah
This morning Rhino crash again and I just send you the crash report, maybe it will help you to find something. For details, it was strange cuz it didn’t struggle before.
I was working on the 3D and 2 others files for the profile, and I usually use the offset, surface, move, copy, rotate fonction, those you need to create an object