Copy and pasting a TEXT element from paper to model space, it vanishes

Hi, I am trying to copy some drawing symbols with text blocks from paper space into model space. When I do the text vanishes. Does anyone else have this issue? The file in question is attached.
xxx.3dm (850.7 KB)

Use the ChangeSpace command.

Hi John, I am having trouble using the ChangeSpace command to move text out of a viewport that I have changed the orientation to Back view rather than plan view. When I try to execute the command the text vanishes.

Could it be that the text is changing orientation in the transition so that it cannot be seen in paper space since paper space is exclusively a Plan View space? I can move objects in these viewports without a problem.

I have attached a sample file. Try executing ChangeSpace on the group in the viewport containing a circle and text block.

sample01.3dm (3.5 MB)

Hi John, Continuing to look for a workaround to my problem, I found that if I take all the text oriented in the Back view Viewport, rotate it into Plan View in Model Space, make a temp Paper Space viewport at the same scale, and then execute the ChangeSpace command, I can get the text moved into Paper Space and then cut and paste into the original Paper Space I am working on. So it would seem to me that there is an issue with the ChangeSpace command when used in viewports with orientations other than Plan View, FYI.

It would be great to know if this issue might be fixed in future?

Hi Mark -

The behavior that you describe is as expected.

These are two viewports from model space in your file:


Note that the text that you can see in the Front viewport is not visible in the Top viewport.
All layouts have their CPlane set to the world Top and that is not something that you can change.
When you move an annotation that you can see in the Back view to an environment where you can only see objects in the Top view, the annotation will be created and selectable with the SelAll command but won’t be visible.

Also note that using ChangeSpace from a view with a non-Top CPlane will squish geometry flat onto the Top CPlane in the layout.

Hi Wim, Thanks for the clarification. What you describe mirrors my understanding of the issue. However, it does not make sense to me that the process of moving objects between two planes that the user establishes as parallel—in spite of the fact that because the layout space is defined as World Top and a viewport can be any orientation they are not technically parallel—can potentially distort objects making them unusable. If I were asked I would suggest that layout space should not be defined as a World Top oriented space but rather a space that is parallel to whatever the active viewport is. The benefit of this approach would be that ChangeSpace always works.

I am currently working with elevations in my project and because of this peculiarity in the dynamics of layout space, I waste a lot of time recreating drawing symbols and notes because I cannot move them through the “window” without destroying the entities in the process.

As a reference, I just checked how the AutoCAD CHSPACE command works with viewports other than WorldTop and it does in fact move text and entities back and forth without a problem. It would be super helpful if Rhino worked equally as well.


Hi Mark -

I’ve put the feature request on the list as RH-67891.
For the time being, in a quick test, it looks like you could create a macro that first runs RemapCPlane with the CPlane=Top option and then runs ChangeSpace.

Thanks Wim, I am not as competent as I would like with Macro writing but that is a good work around suggestion.