hey guys,
Im trying to loft this contour into a smooth shape but because of the saddle at the top its being very difficult. What I did was patch at the top and loft and the bottom as you can see, they dont come together very well. Any ideas?
Much appreciated.
Natalie T
I think it will be better to model separated objects and solve the transitions later
but if you want to use loft, you have to rebuild the curves, maybe using RebuildNonUniform and then, maybe MatchSrf with the Patch.
can you upload the file?
Diego Krause,
Thank you for your reply. I will out your suggestion and get back to you. Here is the file. What I did here was patch and loft then trim the surface that intersected but its still not entirely smooth in the render.
Contour loft_example_file.3dm (2.4 MB)
Much appreciated.
Natalie T
from here looks like a bunch of spheres together with few blends. I guess you can use Spheres unsing the FitPoints options to make a few describing the overal volume to get an idea.
all the curves are just polylines so to get a smooth surface you need to rebuild them
Sorry, I dont understand. I dont think Fit points isnt a command? I did rebuilt the original contour i reduced the number of points. I still dont know how to produce the surface.
if you turn on some points and use this icon it will creat a sphere that fit the points you selected

Great suggestion! It worked well except for the spaces in between, please refer to screenshot 3.
Am considering lofting and the bottom contours and boolean union the top part. Then where they intersect trim them however that would create a sharp edge where they intersect…
Thank you
Natalie T
you can make some Boolean union between those spheres by pais and test some BlendEdge with the Distant From Edge option instead of Rolling ball ( under BlendEdge configurations) to solve the transitions.
I have Boolean Unioned the object ( screenshot 4) I couldn’t understand your explanation of how to use BlendEdge, I looked at the option (screenshot 5) and didn’t see a ‘distant from edge’ option. I’ve not used BlendEdge before. Does using the BlendEdge involve selecting the contours or do I only needs the Boolean Union object only?
Thank you
Natalie T
once you finish with the selection of edges to blend, hit enter and goes to the blend values, there you can choose distFromEdge under RailType
Awesome! one question though, why is it that when I try with number larger than 3 the surface disappears?
Natalie T
because it overlaps with the sphere seam. is quite tricky hehe. other method can be using pipe to split both spheres and then use BlendSrf as you can see in this video aalong with other waays to split and blend:
Thank you so much for your help and patience! I finally am able to achieve what I’ve been trying to do.
Natalie T
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