Command Prompt doesn’t show the same as in Rhino 7 for Windows

Hello everyone,

I am a newbie on Rhino and have been using Rhino 7 on Windows for a while now. Hence, I am used to this Window layout:

Yet when I open Rhino 8 on Mac the display is like this:

I have been trying to make it look like the Rhino 7 display with the CommandPrompt interface but I couldn’t. I have tried setting the Display layout to default but it stays the same. I am more confortable using the Rhino 7 layout for the command prompt so I would like to know how to set it up.
I have already found a topic with a similar issue but Rhino does not recognise the command:CommandPrompt Show Yes EnterEnd

Also my Rhino is in french.
If anyone can help me sort this out it would be very appriciated as I don’t really like getting out of my comfort zone and use new layouts…

Hi Harpartap -

You can’t make the appearance of the UI completely the same on macOS as on Windows at this point. Rhino 8 on both platforms are much more alike than Rhino 7 was, but the command line UI remains different in this current version.

Hi Wim,

Thank you very much for your reply.
I am not sure I was clear when I asked the question. I have seen on Youtube that someone has Rhino 8 with the same configuration I need.

You can see here he has the CLI on tope with the command history just like in Rhino 7 defaults.

This screenshot comes from The Rhino Essentials youtube channel and I would like to have the same.


The image you posted just above is from Rhino for WINDOWS, not Rhino for Mac. As Wim said above, you cannot make them the same. Mac Rhino does not have the same type of command line interface that rhino for Windows does.

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