After a five your break from Rhino I’ve now returned to the program via Rhino for Mac. I purchased it a few months ago and have gone to use it for the first time today. Before doing so I just updated to 5.2.1.
So my issue is where is the Command Line? It’s nowhere to be seen. And I can’t find how to get it back. Is this a glitch in the 5.2.1 and if so how do I resolve it.
Or has the Command Line been removed from Rhino for Mac altogether and I just have to live with it?
There isn’t one. A Command line is not a normal I/U think in OS X.
Here’s a link to the Mac Wiki page with lots of good information about the major differences:
Also in Rhino for Mac there are 2 Sidebars, which can be activated by the toggles in the title bar on either side or by hitting [cmd]-[0] (left one) and [cmd]-[alt]-[0] (right one).
in the right sidebar you can have multiple “segments”, one of them is the command history (4th icon from the right):
(click the image, the command history is hidden in this thumbnail)
@mortenengel Sorry for the delay getting back but not in Rhino much these days. To get the command line to pop up when you start typing go to Preferences > Themes, Use Command Options Dialog.