Hello @wim @brian @stevebaer and the rest of the layoutteam,
I had servals posts and wanted to structure my findings and problems.
I reseted my rhino and tried the problems with the newest build:
System Info.txt (2.8 KB)
Bug list:
Lines of the excluded object are suddenly disappearing after selecting cliping plane or moving an object. Happens in all “technical” displaymodes. Happens unpredictable. Problems can occure when there is a clippingplane with 1 object excluded and 1 included and they have intersections:
Variation of #1:
only hidden lines are cut:
selection triggers this behavior
unselected correct ( instersection is turned on):
selected included object affects excluded object:
selected excluded object with clip selection highlight on:
shadows are cut of excluded object
#3 and 1 combined:
Other way around: Lines disapear Shaded Object stays.
Technical Mode + Shaded Object (parallel lines)
shouldnt it be possible to print a filling or shadeded objects as paralell vector lines?
Printbehavior reacts to this Problem.
Vector output ignores hatches and fillings:
Raster Output behaves wrong even with right diplay:
in shaded display everything works just fine:
When i tried a workaround with the shaded view to get my pdf-plans this happend, filed as:
Wish list:
- The functions are running stable and i can create dynamic vector plans directly form the 3d modelview.
until then:
- Show curves in Section drawing background.
for exampe i have to mark important spots in the 3d model and they appear in the section drawing
- surface works
- curve would be perfect
- text even better, can be crv, srf, hatch or even text, wouldnt matter, i edit it only in 3d model
- dimensions nice to have but i prefer to place them on top of the drawing.
(small bug while i am creating this topic: If i change the Clipping plane name the drawing always uses the past name and not the current, update doesnt work, creating new one doesnt work)
- Dynamic dimension in section drawing.
I want to produce a SectionDrawing put my dimensions in relation to it, change some objects in the input 3D Model, update my SectionsDrawing and the dimension keeps it history somehow connected.
If this is technically to difficult it would be an option to use dimensions in 3d model and get it as sectiondrawing background output like mentioned above.
Here the file everything was produced in (except bug #6)
Trouble Creator.3dm (87.6 KB)
Thanks for your time and effort. I hope it gets enough attention and will be fixed soon so i can use the new sections tools that i like so much.