I am having multiple display issues operating on Rhino 8.

  1. when i use clipping plane and rotate to view whats being clipped, display suddenly changes to wireframe randomly and will not stay in shaded mode. very frustrating
  2. when in layout mode everything is invisible unless i zoom into the layout?? the scale and frame is correct, and nothing prints.

I have tried turning off gpu tesselation, antialiazing, uninstalling and reinstalling rhino, updating drivers and windows, EVERYTHING to no avail. this is my last hope, please help me community.

Can you paste some pictures of what you are seening, this helps the dev’s with problem solving.

Could you also run _SystemInfo and copy-past that info there.

So it’s hard to tell from a still, but essentially layout is blank until i zoom into the paper space - im not actually changing the scale of the drawing in model space.

for the clipping plane, it seems to be glitching in shaded modes, and then when i rotate it only displays in wireframe.

also, as of today, my hatches are not working, they dont display at all.

and here is the systeminfo screenshot
system-info screenshot.txt (2.4 KB)

Is that geometry far away from the origin? If possible pls upload the file

nope, not far away, like the image shows, when you zoom in to the layout it displays the geometry. its a display/graphics comptatibility issue i think.

and it works fine on other rhino accounts/computers. its something with my rhino/computer compatibility.

Does the problem only occur when you use clipping planes?

Upload a .3dm file with a portion of the geometry which demonstrates the problem.

Try disabling V-Ray and see if the problem continues. Go to PlugInManager and uncheck V-Ray. Then restart Rhino.

How far is the model from the world origin?

UNCHECKing vray didnt help :frowning:

its close to the world origin, it doesn’t have anything to do with that

without an 3dm example of the file it’s bit hard to identify the problem…

the issue has nothing to do with the specific file. it is a global issue that is happening across all instances of rhino for me - there is a display compatibility problem, i can almost guarantee it. But here, take a look at the file. clipping planes and layout mode will work perfectly fine on yours - refer to images above for the problems i encountered.
DIEGO - NANYANG.3dm (14.1 MB)

the model is 527579.22 mm from origin and there are some bad objects.
Did you try to make a new file with just the 3d model from the building?