Closing a Mesh without Edge

I have a HUGE mesh file that is hollowed out. I need to close out the mesh, but there is no consistent edge to select. Only mesh segments. MeshFillHole & Meshfillholes say “Cannot use these objects”.

You might be able to use MeshTrim to get a straight border that will fill. You might also have separate meshes that need to be Joined before MeshTrim. One more option once all separate meshes are joined is to use OffsetMesh with the Solidify option if a shell thickness will suffice.

If I’m way off on all of these, please upload the file to to my attention.

I generated a second mesh to try to join together and use Meshtrim (as you suggest). But the main mesh does not have an edge to select. I ran Join and made one mesh. But the edge still pops up as a naked edge. I will upload the file (two separate meshes at this point).

The file just showed up but he didn’t mention anything about it being for you.

Sorry about that. I just labeled the topic title.

No worries. I sent Brian a message the file showed up.

Take a look at the file Kyle ( @theoutside ) sent for a great way to fix up the bottom edges before filling. Or just use OffsetMesh with Solidify if you don’t need the bottom perfectly flat or the whole part one solid piece.

This is extremely helpful! I have to do the same thing to some larger pieces so this is perfect. Okay will do!