Cutting scanned objects

Hello together,

i`m new in working with Rhino. I switch over to Rhino from fusion360 to improve my workflow from scaning to CAD.

My first problem is on this restauration project to cut a mesh and close the surface. I used “MeshTrim” and now i have an open backside. How can i close this in an easy way?

I hope you can understand what i mean.


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Hi @Sandro_Puccio
The “quick’n’dirty” way is to use FillMeshHole
HTH, Jakob

better than being on the cloud.

unfortunately Rhino has primitive mesh tools.

check out this video-

Thank you all very much. “FillMeshHole” worked fine in this case. I will also check the video later.

Next steps for me are to train a lot with Rhino and also with Mesh2Surface. Sadly there only a view tutorials out the for Mesh2Surface with Rhino. The most of them are for Solidworks.

fillmesh hole can be a very blunt instrument. you can use patchsingleface to make bridges on complex holes which will break them up into more useable and reasonable shapes.

for instance an L shaped hole will fill really ugly if you try to do it in one go… but if you patch single face and break it up into two rectangles, it fills much more nicely.

Another question what i have is, how is the easiest way to fit the new plane mesh surface to the origin?

I found different ways but nothing like “select the surface of the mesh and set to z 0” and the orientation is flat to the origin.


orient3pt and snap to the grid
once it’s in place on the cplane you can flatten the bottom by selecting all the polygons on the bottom and flatten them by scaling the z handle to zero on gumball.

Mesh2Surface Rhino plugin costs 1245 EUR + taxes. If you have Rhino 8, you can do: Shrinkwrap > QuadRemesh (Convert to SubD) > ToNURBS. Details are explained in the Kyle Houchens’ video and this link: RE Workflow Using Shrinkwrap, QuadRemesh and Subd's

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the best economical bet rn imo is probably ‘resurf3d’ – depending on what you need to do with meshes.

but yes this R8 stuff seems promising. Although, I had trouble with it making shells with thickness, when I wanted solids without the shelling.

will you make a new thread with a model that shows this behavior? we are very interested in improving the functionality of quadremesh and shrinkwrap.

I’ll see what I can do. I did mention it here somewhere… ahh looks like I didn’t really post it.

I’ll try creating an example.

cool, please do so under a new thread so it doesn’t hijack the OP.

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I have Mesh2Surface already here. But for “freeform” scans like my post i can`t really use and it is not nessecary.

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