If multiple Clipping Planes exist, toggling those view checkboxes in the properties seems to include ALL the planes, not just the one selected.
I’m rendering some building sections with Enscape, and would like to create one Clipping Plane per section view. Yet turning on one turns on all, so as a workaround I have to just use one plane and move it around every time I want to render another section view. Pretty inconvenient.
Wish: please make the settings individual.
Thanks a lot!
That was a bug that was fixed recently - RH-62866.
It looks like the fix went into 7.5, which isn’t out for public consumption yet. If all goes right, there will be a first release candidate on Tuesday / Wednesday next week.
I’m not sure which version @siemen is running but this used to work fine in Rhino 6 and the bug must have been introduced somewhere in a previous 7.x release.