Circle inconsistency

If I start to draw a circle with the center and then the radius, but then I change my mind and right click to cancel, a circle is drawn anyway. But if I draw a corner to corner rectangle and right click to cancel, no rectangle is drawn. I have been able to use this circle behavior to my advantage but it’s inconsistent with drawing other shapes and I suspect that it’s a bug. This has been present in the last few versions including 09-17.

Apologies in advance if anyone has already opened a thread on this, I looked but didn’t find one.

Right-mouse click in Rhino is the equivalent of pressing the Enter key, not the Escape key. If you’re in a command like Circle and change your mind, tap the escape key, not right-mouse click.

Thanks for the quick reply, John. It’s the difference in behavior between the circle and other shapes that makes me wonder if there’s an issue.

A right click ‘enter’ will complete post selection, will complete a command, and will repeat the last command if none is running. It never acts as a cancel in any command.

If I want to make a circle, I do this:

  1. Click on the circle icon
  2. Move the mouse to where I want the center to be and left click
  3. Move the mouse to where I want the radius to be and left click
  4. If I want to use the same radius as last time, I right click.

If I want to make a rectangle, I do this:

  1. Click on the rectangle icon
  2. Move the mouse to where I want the first corner to be and left click
  3. Move the mouse to where I want the opposite corner to be a left click
  4. If I want to cancel after clicking on the first corner, the right click does that.

If this is the way it’s supposed to work and is not inconsistent because circles are unlike rectangles, then I guess it’s working correctly. I’m obviously still learning, thanks for your patience.

The difference there is Rectangle needs to points and does not ‘remember’ the X and Y offsets from the first point so right click Enter is not valid data for the command.

Circle needs a point (left click) and a radius (left click to show a radius or Enter to accept the previous radius).

That’s the difference. I can see why it could be confusing when getting used to Rhino.

Now it makes sense, thanks again.