Changing transparency on a hatch

I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a hatch transparent but have been unsuccessful. HOWEVER… I opened up my file today in wireframe mode, and one of my hatches magically had a transparency applied to it. I have no idea when I implicitly applied this change. I’m trying to compare the properties of the opaque ones to the transparent one, but can’t seem to distinguish any differences.

Ultimately my goal is to be able to have full control over transparencies in Rhino, without bringing my linework into illustrator. Thanks!

hmm- looks like the image has transparency, maybe, is in front of the hatches and the hatches are at the back of the curves as well (either in 3d or via SendToBack) so the curves draw in front…

hatchtest.3dm (221.1 KB)


oh you’re right - the aerial had a transparency and the hatch sat behind it. whoops.
so rhino doesn’t have the ability to change the transparency of hatches yet?

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Instead of making hatches, you can make surfaces. Then select the surface(s) and in Properties set material to by object, pick a color for the “hatch”, and set the transparency slider up to where you want it. Finally, with the Top view active and the surfaces still selected, use _SetObjectDisplayMode and set the surfaces to Rendered mode. They will now have transparency in the Top viewport no matter what display mode the viewport is in. You can select the surfaces and re-adjust the transparency to your needs.


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Thanks Mitch, that will probably be the best compromise. Cheers.

Just to clarify - is the colour supposed to appear in materials? The materials tab is the only place I know to have a transparency slider.

In my opinion that this is an applicable workaround in the long run – for me at least, it isn’t.
Transparency for solid fills and for the background colour for patterned hatches (which is also nonexistent at the moment) are very much in need!

Has there been any update on this? Has transparency been added to the hatches?

It’s on the Future list but no, I don’t think it is under active development yet:

It will not be added to V6.
It may be added to V7.

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If you check the issue reports that John linked to, you will see that a test command will be available in the next Rhino 7 WIP.

That will allow you to do something like this:

That said, this is a test command only - not ready for production work.


There is gradient transparency now in Rhino 7.
Can I change hatch transparency without any gradient?

Is there same slider for solid hatch somewhere?

Hi Wagner -

In case you haven’t found this by now - you can change the transparency for a solid hatch either by changing the layer color, or by changing the hatch’s color after it has been created.

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I made it using layers.
Can you please clear out “or by changing the hatch’s color after it has been created”?
I can’t see transparent setting…

Hi Wagner -

Once the solid hatch has been created, select it in the viewport.
In the Properties panel, switch to the Object tab.
By default, the Display Color is set to By Layer. In the pull-down, change that to “Other”.
At that point, the Select Color dialog pops up and you can change the transparency with the slider in that dialog.


Hi Wim!
Thank you I found it now. :slight_smile:
Just thinking why slider is not in hatch window so you don’t have to navigate…
Maybe in the future…


Can I change transparency for the background of a patterned hatch? For example, if I have a grid hatch and want to mask everything under it, but keep the lines of the grid at 100% opacity.

Hi -

If I understand you correctly, you can use a solid hatch that masks everything and put a grid hatch in the same location.

Yeah but that seems like a messy hack. I was hoping there was a built-in feature or smarter way of doing that.

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I added this to our wishlist at

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Hi John! Being able to add transparency to hatches is a function which would be really useful. At the moment it’s one of the main reasons why I have to move architecture drawings into illustrator or photoshop, but I would love to be able to keep everything in Rhino! Developing this for the next version would be really useful.