Hi there,
Is there a way to prevent hatches from becoming opaque when locked or Isolate-locked? Currently, it’s impossible to see what’s behind transparent hatches when they’re locked or Isolate-locked
Hi there,
Is there a way to prevent hatches from becoming opaque when locked or Isolate-locked? Currently, it’s impossible to see what’s behind transparent hatches when they’re locked or Isolate-locked
Hi Jeremy -
There are settings for the display of locked objects in the display modes:
[Your display mode] -> Objects -> Locked Objects
Hi Wim,
I think i’m still having some issues even after changing the settings in the display mode to transparent.
When selecting the black rectangle, and performing isolate-lock, the yellow bottom rectangle is completely hidden from the top view (second image)
Hi Jeremy -
No, it isn’t:)
It’s not hidden, it just has the same color as the other locked objects which makes it impossible to see the difference.
In your display mode, the locked object’s color is set to use the application settings, which you can find in Rhino Options -> Appearance -> Colors
, and which, by default, is a darkish gray.
It looks like you’d want to change this to “Use object’s display attributes”:
In this image, only the black curve is not locked:
Hi Wim,
thanks for the advice
I think that it’s definitely better to be able to see the object for how I use rhino.
Perhaps, if there was a desaturation or changing of transparency whilst keeping the original colours, it would be even better
Hi Jeremy -
We have that wish on the list as RH-51993 More control of locked object colors
Hi Wim,
Even with the use object display attribtues selected, I still get the following
When rotating the semi-transparent hatch over the other stuff underneath, the other stuff disappears
I would like to lock transparent objects without them becoming opaque.
I always have partially-transparent hatches in my models which I activate in certain detail views to depict depth. It would be great to be able to lock them and still edit the model but when locked they occlude everything. So I have to hide their layer. Jeremy’s post above suggests that this isn’t possible?
Hello- Hatches seem, here, to ignore the transparency setting for locked objects, apart from any transparency they may have on their own - I can see how this can get complicated pretty quickly with transparency an object or layer property. Appearing solid or at a fixed transparency may not be enough but I’d say at least hatches ought to obey the setting in the mean time.
Not sure which setting you’re referring to?
Hi Pascal,
I am unable to make it work with those settings. Any locking of a semi transparent hatch that’s located in front of other objects seems to make those objects disappear.