Chamfer to complete edge/face

Is there an easy way to extend a chamfer or fillet to completely overtake a particular face/edge?? Like in the image, is there a one click solution to go from a to b ? Essentially chamfer exactly to the the face?

I feel like there is an easy way to do this, but i can’t figure it out.

Hello - no - well, not automatic - you’ll need to just build it from the regular surface tools, trimming etc, if I understand what you are after. Which I may not.


Sounds like you do…Just want to be able to tell chamfer to go up to that edge, ad essentially automatically replace the whole face (smallest, vertical here) with the chamfer

Ahh thats really to bad. Like 1/3 of the time im using chamfer its for something like this. Damn.

It would make sense to have that right?

You can use ConnectSrf to get the chamfer surface to meet the top plane but filling in/deleting the rest is the work here.


I’ve found the quickest method is to pull a line across the edge of the face you want to be overtaken, get the exact length from the coordinates at the bottom of the screen, then just use that number in the chamfer dialogue.

Pascal, I realize now my first image was a terrible indication of what I was asking.

Can you have another look? Along with my description above perhaps that will clarify if there was any ambiguity.

For this bit, just use the Length or Distance command inside (both are nestable) the ChamferEdge command to set the chamfer distance. What you are doing, looking at the new image, seems correct to me, just get the distance directly.


Got it…thanks!!!