Chamfer / fillet multiple 2d corners?

Is there a way to chamfer/fillet multiple corners of a 2D object simultaneously?

For example, I’d like to select and chamfer all the acute corners here:


You can do that with the ! _FilletCorners command.

This doesn’t seem to fillet multiple corners; further, I don’t see an equivalent for Chamfer.

FilletCorners will round off all corners in a polycurve.
There is no Chamfer equivalent, and certainly not one that only chamfers the acute corners.

In the screenshot below, the top acute-only chamfer is done one-by-one after exploding the polyline; the rounded fillets below are done in one shot with FilletCorners.

Thanks - I don’t mind selecting the corners manually. I’m just looking for a way to chamfer them all at the same time once selected.

I’m afraid it doesn’t quite work that way. In terms of number of mouse clicks, the following is pretty efficient:

left-click edge 1
left-click edge 2 -> one corner gets chamfered

right-click -> last used command gets started again
left-click edge 3
left-click edge 4 -> second corner chamfered

right-click -> command starts again
etc. etc.

Would that work for you, or is there a specific reason you want to have all corners chamfered at the same time?

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Thanks Menno - that works, and is what I’ve done - but the reason I’d like to be able to chamfer (or fillet) multiple corners at once is for drawings in which there are maybe 20 or more corners. Would just be very efficient.

Hi @Andrew_Turner
If you run the Chamfer command with * in front, it’ll repeat forever (or at least until you press Esc or Enter, saving you one click pr. chamfer. It ain’t much, but it all adds up :slight_smile: This (adding the asterisk) goes for all Rhino commands, of course.
HTH, Jakob


Maybe it’s a good time to develop a ! _ChamferCorners command. :slight_smile:

Also, please note that fillets and chamfers must have a preview.

I have no idea what’s the situation in Rhino 9 WIP, but my Rhino 7 lacks a preview and that often forces me to undo the resulting geometry one or multiple times and start over again, which in turn adds even more mouse clicks and wasted time.

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