Hi guys;
I’m sure this is quite easy but I’m trying to create some catenary arcs that pass through three points using a degree three interpolated curve and also that are sections of catenary curves.
First of all thank you very much for your attention @Jakinta
Yes it was a DATA MACHING problem. I think I got it. You have to be very aware of what values and what lists you cross.
Now I have a problem again with using the graph mapper. I want to control the longitudinal section of the vaults so that the parabolas, cross sections, change their size from the midpoint creating an arc. I don’t know if I have explained myself well.
I hope you can help me because it is important to control this arc.
I send some drawings of how I would like the arc to be formed but I want to control the arc or the shape. I don’t know if it is a question of changing the domain of the graph mapper, instead of 0 to 1.
20220417_CatenaryVaultSection_v#000.gh (22.4 KB)
Thank you very much for your help @Jakinta . I hope you can help me with this as well. You or anyone from the community that is of great help to all of us who are getting started in grasshopper.
Thanks to all!