Irregular Vaulted arch ceiling


I’m trying (unsuccessfully for now) to model an “irregular” arched vaults having one height on one side and another height for the “perpendicular” arches. I tried to look a bit at ways of making it in GH, but I figured it would be quicker in rhino. Unfrortunately patching surfaces through the contour didnt result in a clean shape (the edges vary by a bit as expected when using patch).
Does anyone have a gh example or rhino way that would help me make clean arches (I’ve hidden the resulting shapes). I’ve seen some examples in here : Intersecting Elliptical Vault Ceiling - #2 by Joseph_Oster . Whilst a brilliant example it isnt quite what I’m looking for since I want to use a surrounding shape to generate the vaults.

Vaulted arch.3dm (649.7 KB)

I’m disappointed you didn’t even try to modify the GH I posted. It was absurdly easy, starting with the code in the first post in that thread, vaulted_ceiling_2019Jul12b

I simply added a second ‘Height’ slider. Didn’t try to match your Rhino file dimensions. (37.0 KB)

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I didnt get into grasshopper yet. So I didnt try it yet. I was planning to however your definition is more adapted for a classical approach, unless I am wrong, which is higly probable. The shape I’m looking for is more weird and frankly I’m not entirely sure its doable. Also due to lack of time, I didnt properly try it, but I also needed to readapt some parts of the definition to be able to reference shapes from rhino (base “rectangles” or points).

I do however appreciate a lot the time you took to do this, its also interesting and very kind of you! Thank you! :slight_smile:

Yeah, this image is very different. Nothing is impossible, but you need to “get your hands dirty” working with GH. Good luck and have fun.

By the way, this thread doesn’t have the ‘Grasshopper’ category so doesn’t appear there.

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I went to a ridiculous amount of trouble to get this, but it’s not correct. :thinking:


Here is something that works, though it doesn’t match your image in several ways. I left colored curves visible to give a hint of how complex the code and data trees still are. Instead of starting from scratch, I added to what I posted this morning.

P.S. This is a slight variation using Swp2 instead of EdgeSrf. Adjusted to the dimensions in your Rhino file. ‘Gap’ is set to zero, so square posts are missing.

These curves are the same for versions ‘c’ and ‘d’:


Getting there. Still not handling the “gap” correctly (where arches touch the ground). It works only for a single “Y arch”, as your image shows. I can now control the “bulge” above each “X arch”.

This feels like one of the most complicated bits of GH I’ve ever written, which is partly why I haven’t posted any code - I keep hoping for something simple. :wink: Another reason is that it’s far more complex than beginners are likely to understand.

Original code is at the top left, All the code on the right is for the new features :bangbang:

That doesn’t even scratch the surface of what I tried to do. However, on closer inspection and second thought, there are insurmountable flaws in the last method I tried that nearly caused me to give up. The main point of my original thread was that intersecting ellipses work while other forms of vaulted (arched) ceilings do not. That point was getting lost.

Then I had a “EUREKA!” moment that resulted in far simpler code. (48.6 KB)

Still, I wonder if posting is the right thing because the struggle and multiple methods are integral to the creative process. Looking at only one result misses out on all that.

DEPRECATED EFFORTS: (78.7 KB) (56.4 KB) (contains EdgeSrf and Swp2 methods)