Hi there. I can’t use both LegoPod and Squid (Shapediver edition) components at the same time!
My squid components like ‘pdf Template’ & ‘pdf Export’ & others just work if I check the *"Memory load .GHA assemblies using COFF bytes arrays" in ‘GrasshopperDeveloperSettings’ command.
BUT, with this developer option checked, #LegoPod plugin components like “Create Table” doesn’t work. Or even ‘Block Instance’ param doesn’t load blocks from rhino correctly.
And, when I uncheck the option in ‘GrasshopperDeveloperSettings’ , LegoPod runs ok but then Squid components go red and stop working.
Any idea what the problem is or what should I do ?!
I’m using Rhino 7 on Windows11 since the Rhino 8 not supporting ShapeDiver.
Our team will investigate this issue and get back to you.
However, Legopod is not supported on ShapeDiver, so this will still be an issue if your goal is to upload your definition to the platform.
Thaks so much Mathieu.
At the time I wanna create a trustable pdf export out of a complex part model and not going to use the platform yet.
So… I don’t have many options to use my original instances and their nested blocks data trees as my inputs, Or to have a table list of parts extracted from objects and posission it to my pdf export, right?!
I’ll appreciate if you have alternative suggestions for that.
Thanks in advance
The issue usually comes from dll conflicts between several plugins, which can be solved by changing the loading mechanism of plugins. However, the above solution that I reported from other users is not recommended because it affects all the installed plugins you have.
Our recommendation is the following:
Launch GrasshopperDeveloperSettings and uncheck the box again (back to the default).
Go to File > Preferences > Solver in Grasshopper and try to change the loading mechanism of a single plugin, either LegoPod or Squid.
I changed the load mechanism of named plugins but nothing changed and the problem still exists.
could you please take a look at my sample file? For Diagnosis.3dm (1.7 MB) For Diagnosis.gh (408.7 KB) @mathieu1
Did you test several loading mechanisms? From the disc and from memory? For both plugins?
If this does not help, please create a minimal file where I can reproduce the issue. I did not see any issue when loading the file you attached. Maybe a file with one component from each plugin would be enough to reproduce an error?
Yeab, I tested every possible ways about loading mechanisms and here is the result:
No matter what loading mechanism is set for LegoPod,
ShapeDiver works with only one mechanism and it is ‘Memory Loading Mechanism’. But when I use this method the LegoPod stops working no matter how it is loaded. ShapeDiver - LegoPod.gh (10.6 KB)
I am afraid I don’t see a solution to this issue at the moment. We will need to investigate why, in your case, the Squid component only works with the “Memory Loading Mechanism”, as this is not true for all users. It is likely linked to other plugins you have installed, and in which order they are loading, creating potential conflicts between libraries.
Maybe @wim has a suggestion as to what we can do to further dig into this issue.