Can't load grasshopper file

I can’t seem to get the attached Grasshopper file to open at the same time as the attached Rhino file. They both open on their own but won’t open together. I’m not sure what the problem is. I tried opening the Rhino file and then pasting the contents of the old Grasshopper file into a new one. Still jams up. Any help is appreciated. I vaguely recall having an issue with the Lunchbox “unroll” node in a previous versions of Rhino so I have eliminated that from the Grasshopper file but I’m still getting problems.

Table Base (V24) with Ribbons - Reduced Content so it will open.3dm (14.8 MB) Table Base (V23 no lunchbox macros) with Ribbons Brep using triple parallel intervals of (40.9 KB)

There’s an intersection that takes 8 seconds to compute.
But what really slows everything down is the last loft component.
Not sure why, because the two polyline components that is feeding it is empty.
Uploading your gh-file again with the last tree components disabled, that makes it possible to open.

Table Base (V23 no lunchbox macros) with Ribbons Brep using triple parallel intervals of length_disabled last (55.2 KB)

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