Can't Figure out the Flamingo Texture Set with a Displacement Map

  1. Created a new Rhino Project using the “Small Objects – Inches.3dm” template.
  2. On “Default” layer, created a 240”x120”x6” slab.
  3. Created a new material of “Flamingo Texture Set” type.
    a. I renamed the texture set to “Flagstone”
    b. Loaded “Flagstone Color.JPG” as a Color map.

    c. Added “Flagstone Displacement Map.PNG

    i. Two entries appeared in the editor window.
    ii. Right-clicked on the first of the two entries and set its type to “Displacement.” The second of the two entries disappeared.
  4. I set the layer material to “Flagstone.”
  5. Now, what I want is for one copy of the material to be sized to fit the 120” length of the slab. However, I first try a test render, which turns out with a super-tiny material.
    So, I proceed to trying to scale the material.
  6. The TextureSet “Width” and “Height” fields are set to 10 and 4.625.
    I reset the width to 240, and the height automatically changes to 111. I restart the render, which also produces the same, super-tiny material. On closing the render view, the Texture Width and Height reset to 10 and 4.625.
  7. I decide to try something else. At the bottom of the material editor, I click on the “Advanced Editor” button. Now, under the “Textures” heading, I click on the first of the two images. I rename the image “Flagstone Color.”
  8. The “Tiles” are both set to 11.8110. I change the Width to 240. The Height automatically changes to 111. Rendering the view produces the same, super-tiny material. I return to the Material Editor and notice the Texture Height and Width fields have both reset to 11.8110.

As a side note, I also tried a program—PixPlant—that was recommended in a different post. It created a displacement map that I wasn’t able to upload because it was a .TIF image. So, I’ve included the .PNG image I tried instead.

So, I spent all afternoon floundering around and not making progress. What…am…I…misunderstanding…here? Thanks, in advance, for any help or suggestions.

C’mon, now, SOMEBODY knows the answer to this question. Pascal? Anyone?

I am having the same problem with the tiles width and height both values read as 300.

I set the width to 1200, and the height automatically changes to 300. I have also restarted the render, which also produces the same, 300 x 300 tiled material. On closing the render view, the Texture Width and Height has reset to 300 and 300. This happens regardless of whether they are linked or not.

Regardless of how many different ways I create the material the “Tiles” height and width are still both set to 300. If I change the Width to 300. The Height automatically changes to 300. Rendering the view produces the same results. Back in the Material Editor both the Texture Height and Width fields have both reset to 300 and 300.

I don’t know if you ever got an answer to your question. I finally found that using the Texture Mapping tools solved pretty much all of my material scaling problems. Good Luck.