Can a suface have ghosted look in all displays without setobjectdisplaymode

Hi Rhino Team, Can a surface have a ghosted look no matter which display you are in order to be seeing the surface you are working on(( say editing) . This may be old hat ,but it begs to be done. In other words as you pick the surface ,it becomes ghosted ( that’s in any display mode).
It is done in VSR and seems quite logical .Thank you ,Mark

Off hand, I like that idea…
Actually, @markintheozarks - I guess this is really ‘Ghost surfaces with points on’ or ‘Ghost surfaces with points selected’, maybe, I’m not sure it helps if it’s just a selction thing for the top level surface.
@jeff, is that a reasonable thing to do - automatically Ghost surfaces that have points turned on?


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pascal McNeel
May 2
Off hand, I like that idea…
Actually, @markintheozarks - I guess this is really ‘Ghost surfaces with points on’ or ‘Ghost surfaces with points selected’, maybe, I’m not sure it helps if it’s just a selction thing for the top level surface.
@jeff, is that a reasonable thing to do - automatically Ghost surfaces that have points turned on?


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There is the good old ShadeSelected as an example of the type of functionality

I would think this to be a setting per displaymode.
There is already an section in place:


Hi Willem, I tried the setting in options . It did not accomplish the desired effect. Like @ Pascal mentioned ghosted surface points on ( in whichever display Mode your in ) thank you, Mark

Also along the lines of discusion would be a special highlighted working color. Not asking too much am I😏 ? — Mark

Would this be done in Wireframe modes as well? @Pascal anything is possible, but I’m not just going to add this for the sake of adding it. I think this needs internal discussion before “just doing it”.

Hi Jeff - sure - just checking on the ‘pie in the sky’ factor in actually implementing such a thing, not saying Let’s do it. It does seem like a potentially useful thing when noodling surface points in a shaded viewport.


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