Calculation of tributary area of beam for framed structure


A very good evening !

I need a help in calculating the tributary area of beams. I have tried it and I am close to it but not accurately. Can anyone please help me in achieving this? I have attached the files for reference and kindly let me know if I have any options or node in grasshopper to calculate the tributary area of beams ?

I have divided the beams into categories like primary beams, secondary beams, tirtirary beams…etc… and divided slabs into one way and two way. so each beam category, I want to calculate the tributary area based on slab type ( one way or two way) and want to draw it.

YOUR tips can also help me alot.

I really appreciate your time and support.

Tributary area of elements.rvt (7.3 MB)
Tributary area of elements for Framed (86.6 KB)

Hi Shashank,

Please note the Revit Version, Rhino Version and any plugins you are using when posting.

This is a Revit 2022 file and the gh file requires Human.

This appears to be a geometry problem, with multiple conditions & variables. If you can create an example that doesn’t rely on Revit or gh plugins for the grasshopper forum you will get more replies in that forum category.

Hi @Japhy thanks for your response. YEs what ever you mentioned above regarding the details of tools, that are correct.

Yeah I’ll try it but need a bit of help in resolving the accuracy of tributary area of beam. Can you please check once and suggest where I am missing.

Hi Shashank, I am wondering if you are always going to be working with simple geometry (rectangular slabs) as in the example or are you setting it up as well keeping in mind more complex geometry in the future?

Hey again,

So I wasn’t able to open the GH script you shared kept loading and not opening 2 times and the other third time it hanged after a bit of going through the script.

Anyway… it seemed like a fun one so I had a go at it from scratch and not totally sure if the areas I calculated are what you are after. Basically my take on the solution was to prepare the Oneway/Two way areas based on the L1/L2 >= 2… from there I assumed you already have your beams filtered as Main > Secondary (if you have more Tertiary, you might need something to loop using some custom component or something OR if you have a fixed number of Main>Sec>Ter1>Ter2 for example you can repeat the last group based on the amount of levels).

From there it is just a matter of matching the areas with their own beams and then the child beam half area added to the parent beam area etc, where you can see below the secondary beams for example have one way areas divided and then the yellow beam Tributary area would include half the secondary beams areas in addition to it’s own (if that’s not what you are after just one step can be deleted from the script)

NB: The script might have some plugins (probably Treesloth and others) didn’t really keep track

RiR_TributaryArea-RectangularFloors_01 (73.3 KB)
Tributary area of elements.rvt (7.5 MB)


Hi @M.Tarabishy thanks for the response. As far as now it has been restricted to simple geometries, but later plans to go with complex geometries too. Let me check with the solution and will let you know.

Once I again I appreciate your valuable time.