Button/tab bars WERE intuitive, as in past-tense

The new bar and tab bars do not work intuitively, or just don’t work.

What did you do?
Were they broken?

It’s not apparent how to dock bars. They refuse to dock.
I missed the old way of right-clicking to select tabs.
The four squares indicating placement, are a big step backwards.

That’s all I wanted was the Object-Snaps showing. : (


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What I want to do: dock the OSnap tab on the lower bar, where I can see it ALL THE TIME, like we used to be able to do.

And also dock the tab bar, which I managed to detach.

This is really sad. The bars refuse to dock–even though the lock is not checked. I can dock it on the right, but not back on top.

The edges of them bars needn’t be quite so thick.

[The only thing I would have wanted on the bars was the ability to one-click or key toggle right-hand menu, used for properties and whatnot.]

Trying to dock them. I let go, and–walla! Nothing.

hi @Brenda docking is currently a bit painful and is logged here:

RH-72559 Docking: make the target zones larger

You have to drag it on top of one of the small rectangles to make it dock. Does that help? You should be able to put your osnaps back where they used to be in V7

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Thank you for the instructions, but YIKES! : )

Also, unless you are doing full Grasshopper, the user will probably have the Snaps showing. Not in the name of “Clean” should the Snaps be difficult to deploy.

RH-72559 is fixed in the latest WIP

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Thank you.