Rhino8 toolbars OSnap not working


I have just downloaded rhino8 , i am importing the custom toolbars and i am trying to arrange them same way they were on RH7…i realized that the toolbar snap is not working consistantly.

I also moved the main toolbar by mistake and now it doen not hook anymore to the windows frame

is there any osnap option to activate in order to get tool bars hooking to the frame ?

thanks in advance.

I had the same problem. When you drag the toolbar to the corner you can see bleu squares appear. if you dock the toolbar on a bleu square it will stick.
But I need to find the object snap toolbar I use so often… :slight_smile:

Found it! click osnap on bottom, box apears, dock box on sides…

HI Maarten and thanks for your answer !

shame on me but i am not able to find it…here are a few screen shot from option tab on the toolbar/container that i am not longer able to dock and also ( 2nd) the option LMB when exploring the options in the osnap tab…i can’t find the “dock box on side” option …would you please send me an image ? thanks , regards

I only find "lock docked containers " but this does not solve the issue on the undocked toolbars

important to say that i only have the problem on the main toolbar ( or maybe container ) shown below …all others are docking to the sides, but with this there is no way to get it placed properly again , neither by resetting toolbars to default

I was able to get the main bar restored once by undocking all bars ( including command bar ) and the docking them again…i tried to repeat the procedure to make sure it was working but it doesn’t

conclusion : i think there is a buggy behavior on RH8 on this aspect , to dock bars on RH7 is just a matter of dragging and drop the bar when the bar highlights…on rh8 the behaviour is very unconsistant and its nearly impossible to restore the main container to the default position

Hi Filippo -
I can’t tell from your words what you have tried and what you haven’t.

I’m not sure what that means. When you run the Rhino WindowLayout command, a panel will appear that lets you restore previously saved window layout. Picking the “Default Window Layout” should put everything back where it is out-of-the-box.

In Rhino 7, a huge area would be painted where you can drop a panel. In Rhino 8, you need to make sure that you are moving the container (and not the panel or toolbar in the container) onto one of the smaller blue zones that appear when a docking zone is detected.

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still strugggling with RH8 , i am not able to restore toolbars in rhino8

the _Options\toolbars\Restore Dafaults command is not working as expercted

ps and ToolbarReset command is not autocompleting , it needs to be fully typed by user , other than this if you lauch the command it works with mor additional options than RH7 so i was able to restore the layout…


as far as i undestand i think this command needs just to be linked to the proper button and need to be autompleted…honestly as a rhino user i have to say that the blue area previewed area for docking the bars is not intuitive on rh8 , i prefer the way it works on RH7 but maybe there is some reason if McNeel has decided to change the way it works

Filippo -

I’m afraid I’ve no idea what that means. (1) Where are you finding the “Options → Toolbars → Restore Defaults” path? (2) What is not working? In the screenshot that you posted, the part that is visible seems to be the factory-default setting. Is there some other part of the UI that is not where it should be?

Both have their pros and cons. In Rhino 7 I often found myself accidentally docking panels that I just wanted to move out of the way. In Rhino 8 it means you have to drag the mouse cursor onto the blue area which is indeed less intuitive, but prevents accidental docking.

HI Wim and sorry for my poor english ,

the “restore defaults” button in the toolbars tab is not working in RH8 , to make it happen i need to fully type the command ToolbarReset because the command is not completing by itself, this what i want to say

Hi Filippo -

The ToolbarReset command is obsolete in Rhino 8. For the sake of possible old scripts being used in Rhino 8, the command automatically transfers to Reset, which is new in Rhino 8.

I’m not much of a button person, so I’ll need your help in identifying a button that does not work. Can you post a screenshot of the part of the UI that has this button and describe it to me so that I can find and check it?

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I tried to make a video of my solution,
That took some time. I’ll share it with you, hopefully today.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Maarten Wijnen


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Hope you can make something out of this?

You have to drag the your cursor arrow with attached block in a bleu zone. If you let go of the mouse, your block will dock…

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@wim sorry for late reply

the restore button that is not working in RH8 is this below, if i push nothin happens

when i click same button in RH7 below message pops up and if i go ahead the restore is effective and toolbars are restored

@maarten1 : yes it is very useful , thanks a lot for this suggestion !!!

Hi Filippo -

That button will only restore the defaults in that dialog, in this case the size, delay, and number of recent buttons; not the toolbars that are in the UI. You need to either use the window layout feature or the Reset command to restore the UI.

Apart from that, which exact version of Rhino are you currently running? That page of the Rhino options looks a lot different now.

HI Wim

i am using Version 8 SR (8.2.23346.13001, 2023-12-12)

i see what you mean , what i want to point out is that the same button is actually restoring toolbar in rh7 while in the RH8 doesn’t

thanks , regards


Hi Filippo -

The current stable version of Rhino 8 is 8.3 and public release candidates of 8.4 are available. I would change the update frequency in the Rhino options.

Thanks. I would say that the Rhino 8 behavior is more consistent with how that button works on other pages in that dialog.

thanks for your suggestion Wim , i have just changed

I see what you mean , ok all clear , not an issue anymore , thanks