Bug when exporting a model with texture to 3mf

I think I have found a bug when exporting a textured model to 3MF.

Summary: when I load a model with a texture map on Rhino and export it to 3mf, it will only export the UV coordinates of the vertices if the mesh has been rendered in a rhino viewport first.

Reproduce buggy behavior:

  • Open this sample glb file with Rhino:
    duck-liz-hunyuan.glb (2.0 MB)
  • Make sure you stay in Wireframe styling for all viewports.
  • Export the mesh to 3mf, including textures.
  • Open the 3mf file in a different Rhino instance.
  • Turn on Rendered style for any viewport → the mesh will be black.
  • If you inspect the 3mf file, the 3dmodel.model has an empty list of UV coordinates.

Workaround for desired output:

  • Repeat the above, with the only difference that, before exporting the 3mf, make sure you have visualized the mesh in Rendered mode first. The 3mf file will be exported will all the UV coordinates, and will show fully textured if opened again.

Please let me know if you need more details or sample files, thank you!

Hi Jose -

Thanks → RH-86516 File IO: Export to 3MF Issue

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