I’ve found an issue with Attribute user text and Text fields in block.
This syntax is used in a text object inside the block -
Value for a specified Key is displayed.
Prompt and Default value (Value parameter) are displayed when inserting the block manualy.
Value can be changed manualy per block instance to show different text in each.
Using the full syntax in block definition, grasshopper side looks OK. Key value pairs appear to be correctly modified. But model shows default text value.
This happens for all U-text grasshopper component settings. The key cannot be even deleted using this component.
Using minimal syntax (%<UserText(“block”,“Key”)>%
“Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error is thrown on Cache component.
Expected behaviour:
Ability to insert block instances from grasshopper, some keys at default values, some modified per instance.
Ability to modify existing instances.
Use case:
I have large layouts consisting of dozens of A0 pages. I need a title block on each page. If I wanted to number them by hand, I would have stuck with AutoCAD.
Attribute user text - Attribute User Text properties | Rhino 3-D modeling
Text fields - Text fields | Rhino 3-D modeling
User text Rhino 8 tutorial - Rhino - Grasshopper: UserText
Thank you in advance.
This supersedes my previous post: User text not in Rhino