BUG? - RhinoCode CLI

Hi @eirannejad

I’m experimenting with the RhinoCode CLI on Mac, and I really appreciate this tool. However, I’m experiencing some unexpected behavior when passing commands. For instance, this line:

rhinocode --rhino rhinocode_remotepipe_20080 command "-SetDocumentUserText arg test"

does not work. It seems like the first argument gets passed twice, so the result ends up being:

Command: -SetDocumentUserText
Document text key-SetDocumentUserText
Document textargs
Command: test
Unknown command: test

I’ve experienced similar behavior when passing “-GrasshopperPlayer somePath”.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

R8.17 Mac


Hmm this seems to be a bug. The key:value does not get parsed correctly. The cli is passing the args directly to Rhino so I don’t really know what is happening there. Let me take a look and I’ll put a fix for this

RH-86650 RhinoCode CLI does not run command correctly

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Hi @eirannejad

Thank you for getting back to me—I really appreciate it.


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Anytime. I put a fix for this for 8.19 SRC. I can send you a test build tomorrow if you want one

Wow, that was fast! :slightly_smiling_face: I’d love a test build—thanks!

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