Bug - Grasshopper Rhino components problem with inserted blocks

Query Model Block Definitions detect inserted blocks which in my case are just linked and not embedded.

EleFront 4.2.2 was able to deconstruct such an inserted block and I’m convinced Rhino 8 BETA was also capable of doing that?

Anyway, I hope this can be implemented again asap :slight_smile:

PS: I think linked blocks help to keep the file size low and a link to an original file like a 3D scan export remains in the Rhino document.

A test file to insert can be found in this topic / post:

Thanks everyone for Rhino 8

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Elefront is a fantastic enhancement to the Grasshopper ecosystem. I had anticipated that Rhino’s native tools would be compatible with it, particularly the new set of tools from Rhino that incorporate materials and display mode functionality.
What is missing is the items you mentioned above, as well as the quick query using the Value list component.

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In the meantime I’m importing the blocks completely in Grasshopper.

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Hi @martinsiegrist,

I think it never worked before, and if it worked was by mistake.
The intention was to enable features step by step and in theory linked blocks was still unimplemented like worksessions.

Linked blocks will be available in 8.1.