Linked Block - Elefront

Hi everyone,
I am trying to use the component “Imported Linked Block” from the Elefront plugin but after various tries I am not able to make it work. This is the error that I get and when I try to add the extension it tells me that the path shouldn’t have it. Thanks!

Hi @Andre_91,
Did you try to input the actual filename as well? For example:


Hi, yes I have tried that. I have just realized that the component actually works the inputs are:
-Directory of the file
-Name of the file, that means that treats everything in the file as a block.
I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but also when it comes to bake the blocks it change completely the scale, even if in the preview it works good.

everything looks normal here, are you sure the file you are opening in Rhino is the same Units as the blocks?


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