Rhino 8 Feature: Selective Clipping

Hi @BrianJ, I just opened this file again and something seems wrong with the PBR material.

selective_clipping_issues.3dm (3.7 MB)

I’m also adding a new file with the mesh of an apple inserted and imported. Note how the clipping plane clipps the apple no matter if it is inserted without embedding or imported.

But the trick with the color does not work when the content is inserted.

Something with the texture is also not so nice when the clipping plane is moved.

I deleted one of the inserted objects so the file got a bit smaller. I had to zip the *.obj of the apple since it contains a an *.mtl file which doesn’t seem to be allowed to upload?

apple_scan_import.3dm (13.8 MB)

apple.zip (3.6 MB)

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