Bug? Custom Environment reflection stays black

other than the reflection of the sun i see nothing no matter which mapping, am i doing something wrong or is it broken.

custom environment reflection.3dm (257.8 KB)

8.13.24311.03002, 2024-11-06

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Ah, looks like for some reason the reflection environment strength is set to 0.

The extra light you see isn’t the sun, but it is the default camera-based light since you have no other lights in the scene.

Until I fix this you can enable skylight, make sure the strength is 1.0.

Logged as RH-84688 RhinoCycles: custom reflection environment strength 0 when only env

I’ll fix it in 8.15

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I think I’ll have to walk back on that. How it currently is set up actually was to ensure dark is actually dark when you have no skylight, or skylight with strength 0. The current setup is done for that, but would break if I fix for this.

Since you get the custom reflection environment by enabling the skylight as well I won’t be fixing this after all.

If i may object to that decision:

if somebody wants it fully black then one would also not turn on custom reflections to brighten it up, that step should be logical and left to the user… or are there some technical implications?

i would prefer to have it work logically not having to know what i have to keep active to ensure that it works.

This is the problem.

The way Rhino environment works are tricky. As said the current way is due to a decision made long ago, and I don’t want to fix this right now in 8 as it will break other scenarios.

In 9 there’ll hopefully be better control for users on how to create world shaders.