Object reflections not updating

This goes back to an earlier issue I posted about in wanting to get good consistent reflections when using environment maps with metals.

When using a custom environment for reflections, is the viewport in Rhino when set to rendered mode supposed to update reflections immediately on an object when changing the rotation of the environment map? Right now, in order to see the change to the map on the object, I have to hit the OK button.

This looks broken.

It will when it is actually in use. You need to set it in the very least as custom reflection environment, but probably good to set it also as custom skylight environment.

When an environment is set as custom reflection environment you’ll see one or more light red triangles in its thumbnail corners. When it is set as custom skylight environment you’ll see one or more light blue triangles in its thumbnail corners. As 360° you’ll see one or more yellow triangles in its thumbnail corners. You have none of these, meaning the environment is not in use at all.

Right-click the thumbnail of your environment and set it as custom reflection and custom skylighting environment.

Also, for this particular environment using opposite angles, the ones you chose, doesn’t show that much difference, but you’ll see when you drag along the circle that it does change…