Box morph is not morphing the form , instead only scaling it


I am trying to box morph a tile module but instead of morphing it is just scaling and orienting which too isnt perfect. See the script and the snapshot.

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if you provide Breps to the Box Morph component, it will just calculate their bounding boxes and work with those (or, at least, I have that memory from Rhino 7)

because you actually need to morph a base Brep into twisted boxes (skewed boxes, not necessarily 90° angles) one way might be to calculate and provide destination twisted boxes to the Box Morph (and to do so you, one way is to use the 8 corner points in the right order)

as the initial bounding box was morphing weirdly, I also rebuilt it using a twisted box: but that is just for the sake of explanation, not the right way to do things (you will see I had to reorder points for the starting brep’s bounding box, but in reality I believe you should create its bounding box using the right input plane)

the Morph is applied only to a small range of destinations (sublist, 0 to 300 domain) otherwise my laptop fries :slight_smile:

by the way, Point List to the deconstructed bounding box is one of your best weapons to understand what’s going on under the hood: point order for start and destination vertexes should be the very same

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Thanks @inno. That was great help !