Bongo + Vray save frames as exr o vrimg


I want to use vray frame buffer to save the animations frames as exr or vrayimg.

So far I just can use the bongo animation module to choose from jpg, png, bmp, tga and tiff.

Is this possible? is there a workaround?

This is rhino5 vray2.0 and bongo2


In Bongo’s help it is said that we can save using these file types:
"Supported file types are: BMP, JPG, PNG, TIF, TGA, RIMAGE, HDR, and EXR."
But I only see those shown on Fernando’s screen capture

Bongo reads out the list based on a function in Rhino, if V-Ray isn’t updating it with the correct info, then Bongo doesn’t know what all formats are available.

@matt_newberg V-Ray should probably update this. Please get in contact with me ( if you want more details on how to fix this.


E-mail sent, hopefully we can get something sorted soon.

You should have a reply in your inbox. :slight_smile: