Beam not showing in plan view

Hi there,
I am not very experienced in revit and I am having a hard time with the beam hidden visibility options in plan.
So in the screenshot you can see a beam that was created manually in revit (circled in red) and all the other beams were made using rhino inside revit. Same family and types but for some reason they wont show in plan the same way the manually created beam is.

I hope this is just my lack of experience in revit and not a bigger, more complicated, bug.

Beams not showing in plan.rvt (9.0 MB)

Those columns are being cut, the element you are showing is below the floor and only partially shown.

if that is the intended geometry you will want to look at information about View Ranges in Revit.

Hi Japhy, thanks for your reply.

The visibility range for both beams is the same. Maybe I am not understanding your direction? Beam A was created manually and it shows in plan, Beam B was created with rhino inside (same family same type) but for some reason is not showing in plan. I need both to show in plan with the same hidden lines as beam A


you are cutting the Beam which is causing your issue, if you pull the handle in a tad it will clear it up.

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it ended up being a workset placement. ended up fixing it with the ‘element parameter component’ and ‘inspect element’