December 22, 2024, 5:51am
As an architect using both rhino and revit very often, my workflow is doing facade/shell in rhino and transfer to revit using rhino inside revit.
the workflow is ok and rhino elements can be transfered to revit very well. But there’re issues like below.
1.plan blocking
without shell it looks like this. it’s quite right.
but with shell on, it’ll display like this. color hatch/some revit elements will gone.
view range issue
my view range setting is correct. But the wierd thing is that those imported rhino elements looks like can’t be cut. you can see the 1F canopy even on 5F plan.
These issues have been a big headache for me and really look forward the solution. Many thanks.
December 22, 2024, 4:23pm
Hi Chris, There are a lot of things that control visibility in Revit. To understand your issue we’ll need an example file and steps to repeat. Thanks
4. Isolating the issue and posting files
Revit projects are rarely small & the issues are rarely simple. Its understandable that support files aren’t always readily uploadable, for size or for privacy concerns.
That said, here are some recommendations:
Isolating the question to a new Revit file with the Revit Version in the File Name, then purge the Revit file several times to reduce size.
List your GH plugins needed to review the question, if possible remove all gh plugin components no…