and I can’t figure out how to bake it in one go while sending each group to it’s layer and keeping assigned IFC data.
Every attempt of baking (except individual, using ifc Tag, specyfying target layer) erases IFC information.
I guess you are using Human or any similar similiar plug-in (which one?) to bake the geometry assigning a layer. These components don’t keep the IFC data so it’s not possible to use them with VisualARQ for this purpose for now.
Maybe you can use the “Update Property” component instead. This way you wouldn’t be baking the geometry so you would keep each object in its corresponding layer and updating at the same time the IFC data.
I hope it helps, I send you attached an example file. Update (13.9 KB)
What I was looking for is an automatedd baking process, instead of going layer-by-layer.
I was checking any baking option (native, Human, Lunchbox) to get the metadata assigned.
I guess, I will stay with manual baking direct from your IFC tag component since it is giving me the information I require. I can even assigen specific data to each component (see numbering).
It looks like there is some not visible message or active command. If you close every Rhino file, restart windows and open Rhino, it shouldn’t happen again.
After disabling those two, that issue is gone.
One thing I also spotted was Rhino launching GH immediately when starting new session.
Now it is back to normal.
If you open the software using the VisualARQ icon, it should load Grasshopper but it shouldn’t open it until you do. If Grasshopper is automatically opening when you start Rhino, maybe you have it in your “Run these commands every time Rhino starts” list (check the screenshot below). Deleting the command from that list should solve the issue.
In that case,Grasshopper should be loaded when you run VisualARQ, but no opened. Anyway, if it happens every time you run Rhino maybe this topic should be moved to the Grasshopper category.