Building levels - Baking not existing, or fails

I just transferred a VisualARQ document to Rh8/Varq3 in order to tackle some printing issues present in Rh7.

In my file, it seems that the Levels have dissapeared at some point (maybe after save to Rh8, maybe after Rhino update, maybe after VARQ update - do not know when), and I needed to restore the Building LEvels information from the Rh7 version file.

As there is no way to import the Levels info directly, I use import/export through Gh. First converting the data to strings, internalise and copy. In the receiving end, I parse the text and generate the Building and Levels. Simple process.

However, first time doing it in Rh8/VARQ3 settings, so I was a little baffled by the lack of Bake option in the Building component. Has this been a deliberate choice?

I managed to bake the Building though, through pressing “Insert” key.
But it seems that I still need to input the Offset info by hand.
EDIT: I cannot add the Offset info anymore! They are not numeric fields.
A bug? (


Is there an “official” procedure for export/importing Levels from file to file?

Ok, updated to, and that resolved the issue with the Offset values. They are now visible and editable.

Baking is though still grayed out, but “Insert” key works. ← This seems like an oversight.

File for testing: (12.7 KB)

Hi @Toni_Osterlund,

Yes, it seems “Bake” option is not implemented for buildings params, although they are correctly baked if you use the “Bake” option in the “Building” component.

As “Bake” option seems to be available for other non-geometry objects, like “Wall Styles”, I guess this can be easily fixed.

We’ll let you know when we fix this issue.


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