Working with Grasshopper I use Human Bake or Elefront Bake all the time. It lets me Bake geometry to the predefined layers and replace it automatically.
Let’s say that I want to set up building levels, I bake them, but after a while, I decided that I need to change heights. If I am not mistaken, currently I need to manually delete old Levels and bake the new ones again.
The same goes for Walls, Windows, etc.
+There is something strange with showing baked geometry.
Hi Jakub, if you bake the Levels component, only those with different names or that belong to a new building will be baked. Those Levels with the same name that belong to an existing Building (or a building with the same name) will update the new data.
On the other hand, we will consider developing our own Bake component, since the one of Elefront or Human doesn’t work completely well with VisualARQ objects. Take a look at this thread: Baking objects with IFC properties in GH