Bad surface

Hi everyone,

I have been having some problems lately with my surfaces turning bad, not sure why or how this is happening, but even when im rendering the surfaces are turning out bad like the attached picture, like they are broken, I am modelling on the 0,0 and i have also used the command rebuild which hasn’t sorted the program, this isnt the only time this has happened, maybe its something im doing while modelling but im not sure.

Thanks for you help in advance.


Hi Tom - that should work, but it’s much more useful to upload the object - Export to a new file if it is part of a huge model.


The picture doesn’t tell much.
Please post the geometry so we can help.

here is the file.

Thanks for the help.facadesmall.3dm (1.6 MB)

this isnt the first time this has happened to me, i thought it might be a common thing. maybe its some settings or the way I’m modelling, not really sure.

Hi Tom - your object is very far from the world origin - see


but when you move the object to 0,0 it moves around 16 metres to the world origin, is this really too far?



You have a custom CPlane set in your Top/Perspective viewport. So you think you are near 0, but it’s only a “local” 0, not the world origin.

I get over 700 meters from the WORLD origin, which wouldn’t be so bad, but your file is in mm, so it’s over 700,000mm. That’s too far for good display meshing.


Your CPLane origin in world coordinates is at:
Point in world coordinates = -657876.909,270289.003,20.001 CPlane coordinates = 0.000,0.000,0.000

Distance from the CPlane origin to World origin is
Length = 711237.072 millimeters
which is 711 meters, not 16 meter.

Looks like 711 meters or 711,000 mm is too far an object with features which are fractions of a millimeter in size.

Okay yes I understand that now, i scaled it down 1/1000 as the file was getting too heavy (this is only a small piece in a bigger file), should i never do that? and how do I move the cplane back to the world origin 0,0?

thanks for the help by the way! very much appreciated

okay yes so when i change view, the world origin is very far away, i get that now! thanks very much!

just moved it back to the world 0,0 point and the viewing is perfectly fine, thanks for the help!

No, this is not a good idea, and it will not make the file any “lighter” either, the data is the same, just scaled.


yes i thought this may have been the case but good to know for sure.

