3d visualization artifacts and errors in model

greetings everyone, I’m having a serious hard time trying to comprehend why the visualization in my model looks so poor, at times i´m unable to work if i zoom in objects are not discernable anymore, i have tried migrating the geometry to different files but as soon as i import some more complex geometry i did that includes archs, vaults, etc the visualization of perfectly orthogonal objects gets dirty as well, ill attach some example of this visualization errors

It’s possible your model is located very far from the origin…

is it possible to relocate the origin in some way? the project coordinates already start at 0,0 close by the geometry

OK, it’s hard to tell without a sample. It looks like the meshes (which are required to visualize surfaces on the screen) are being generated coarsely and inaccurately. If you say the model is close to the origin, then there might be another cause. What units are you using and what are the extents of the model?

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Hi! effectively, even if i changed the 0,0 point in the model, the model “remembers” the original 0, which was a bit far because i started from a cad file, and it is in fact still trying to compute the complete canvas which can be greatly big, which could be the reason behind the artifacts. the solution was to copy and paste the geometry in a new file, it is pasted in the original coordinates very far away and i just moved it to 0,0, thanks for the clue it was of great help!

just run command clear all meshes and then switch display mode. it will help.

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