I have an authentication problem with shapediver models that are created few years ago (2020 or older). This scenes worked before, but they doesn’t work anymore.
First I thouth that there is a problem because all this scenes are ticket embeded. However, I realized that old iFrame scenes also not worked anymore:
Here is some examples:
For example this iFrame:
I tested using this model (ShapeDiver), and it seems there is a problem opening the model on our workers. The most probable reason is that due to an update of one of the plugins used by the model, Grasshopper shows a popup window, which causes the computation request to time out.
We are working on a way around this, but it will likely take 1-2 weeks to ensure this is 100% stable.
If you need a fast solution, you could ensure your locally installed plugin versions are aligned with the plugin versions installed on the Rhino 6 system (see ShapeDiver).
A fix for this has already been deployed to our staging systems. However, we will wait until beginning of next week before rolling this out everywhere, I hope for your understanding.
Now I can open scenes ShapeDiver platform, but textures are missing. See for example: ShapeDiver
And the scenes that uses tickets for embeding of that scenes not working. See for example: 3D configurator fora acousctic wall baffles
It seems that the Require strong authorization setting is switched on for this model, but the website does not implement to request a JWT and pass it to the viewer. This is a new feature, i.e. in order to make your embedded model work again without having to refactor your web application, please switch of this setting. Related help page: https://help.shapediver.com/doc/enable-embedding#Enableembedding-Strongauthorization
Please provide detailed information on what’s going wrong here.