Array polar wood grain dark walnut

I’d like to array my walnut pattern linear
43in walnut table 001.3dm (3.0 MB)
with each board and make the edges stand out on the render?

You can define four blocks with the material mapping set to box. I defined the blocks with the parts aligned to the x axis and rotated them to where they belong to after mapping the material, then created the polar array with 8 instances for the large parts and 24 instances for the little triangle.

43in walnut table 001_four_blocks.3dm (3.1 MB)

I don’t understand that part of your question.

Thanks, that’s perfect, as far as the edges, I want to see them when I render it so it doesn’t look like one piece of metal, I mean wood, so aligning the grain helps a lot, but then I filled it all edges by .0625 in.
Thanks again, Troy

Edge softening does not work with these wedge shaped objects. You will have to add the fillets or chamfers by hand for each part in a block.

I used the Face edges option and chamfered just the top edges.