Set your whitepoint to 0.1 or maybe even 0.05. You currently have a range of 0.00 to 1.00, meaning a millimeter depth.
Also, your texture doesn’t have a proper size set (at least in Rhino 8).
Since you’re doing a texture to print on something that is modelled 1 mm thick and 17 mm long and a a smidge shy of 2.7 mm high you won’t get a great amount of detail out of the texture you currently have. There is just too much detail if you ask me.
I would start by applying a box mapping to your plank, then make sure your texture you use for displacement has a better size. Here I set size to 0.10x0.10
but it probably still has too much detail. I have to say I don’t know much if anything about 3d printing, so I don’t know if this kind of detail is achievable on the dimensions this plank has.
You probably should find a texture that has much less detail, but still gives you that wood-look.
Anyway, ensure your plank has a box mapping, have a texture set up that is set up to use mapping channel. And then you can use that same texture in the displacement modifier as well.
The whitepoint (highest point) should be low enough. The 1.0 you have would mean a 1 unit addition, meaning 1mm. And 1mm deep grooves.
If you want that you still can do that, but you then definitely need a texture with much less details (fewer grains etc).
The resolution of the texture still should be high though, so you don’t get too much stepping.
Some potential changes: Newbie__planks_box_texture__suggestion_jesterKing_v7.3dm (1.3 MB)
Here I added also a new material so it was easier to visualize where the displacement texture would end up.