August 4, 2020, 6:50am
Hello all,
Are there any recommended apps for android or windows to view Rhino files?
I just need something simple and easy for my colleagues, who are sculptors, to rotate and zoom around the 3d model.
I saw there is an app for iPad, is it still up to date? Is is worth purchasing an iPad for ?
Why not just export the model to an obj model or other file format that they regularly use?
Hi all,
I made using rhino3dm.js.
It’s a free tool to preview and share 3D models right from your computer or phone browser.
Here’s a video of how it works:
Give it a try, it’s still a very primitive project and surely has many bugs, but I’m excited to get the community’s feedback on it.
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(Wim Dekeyser)
August 4, 2020, 8:33am
Hi Simon -
The app for iPad hasn’t been updated recently.
Apart from the other comments:
Windows: Rhinoceros
Android: ViewER, CAD Assistant (no direct 3DM support)
ViewER™ is a technology demonstration Android™ application for rendering 3D models in openNURBS (3DM), Wavefront (OBJ), 3D Systems (STL), Stanford Triangle Format (PLY) and Autodesk Inc. (3DS, DXF, DWF) formats. ViewER application has an option to superimpose rendering of CAD models over the real time video feed from the camera that provides an augmented reality effect by combining digital 3D models and real objects in a single viewing environment.
ViewER allows configuring of local paths to mo...
CAD Assistant
OPEN CASCADE CAD Assistant for Android is an offline viewer and converter for 3D CAD and mesh models.
If you wish to use this technology for development of customized solutions for your business, contact us at:
Basic CAD model viewing and converting
Basic functionality is provided by CAD Data Exchange component of Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT).
The supported file formats and data are:
- BREP: native OCCT format for shape geometry, topology, and assembly ...
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August 4, 2020, 9:32am
I currently have the only computer. We need to make an investment to purchase a tablet or laptop. I want a viewer for Rhino, because I dont want to convert everything. Too much hassle.
August 4, 2020, 9:33am
Thank you all, there are some promising suggestions. I will take some time to try them out.
August 5, 2020, 1:40am