Apps for viewing rhino files?

Hello all,

Are there any recommended apps for android or windows to view Rhino files?

I just need something simple and easy for my colleagues, who are sculptors, to rotate and zoom around the 3d model.

I saw there is an app for iPad, is it still up to date? Is is worth purchasing an iPad for ?

Why not just export the model to an obj model or other file format that they regularly use?

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Hi Simon -
The app for iPad hasn’t been updated recently.
Apart from the other comments:


Windows: Rhinoceros
Android: ViewER, CAD Assistant (no direct 3DM support)

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I currently have the only computer. We need to make an investment to purchase a tablet or laptop. I want a viewer for Rhino, because I dont want to convert everything. Too much hassle. :slight_smile:

Thank you all, there are some promising suggestions. I will take some time to try them out.

Another option